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Supercharge your Terminal and Markdown workflow with AI

Use NavamAI to supercharge your productivity and workflow with personal, fast, and quality AI. Turn your Terminal into a configurable, interactive, and unobtrusive personal AI app. Power of 15 LLMs and 7 providers at your finger tips. Pair with workflows in Markdown, VS Code, Obsidian, and GitHub. Get productive fast with three simple commands.

Automate Markdown Workflows

NavamAI works with markdown content (text files with simple formatting commands). So you can use it with many popular tools like VS Code and Obsidian to quickly and seamlessly design a custom workflow that enhances your craft.

Seamless Workflow

Create Situational Apps

You can create, install, and run fully functional web apps with NavamAI. Situational apps on your command!

Just run ask command to select the app creation prompt template.

Create Apps

NavamAI runs the app on your laptop within seconds. You don't need to do any setup, touch a single line of code, or invest in any service.

Create Apps

Quick Start

Go to a folder where you want to initialize NavamAI. This could be your Obsidian vault or a VC Code project folder or even an empty folder.

pip install -U navamai # upgrade or install latest NavamAI
navamai init # copies config file, quick start samples
navamai id # identifies active provider and model
ask "How old is the oldest pyramid?" # start prompting the model

Command Is All You Need

So, the LLM science fans will get the pun in our tagline. It is a play on the famous paper that introduced the world to Transformer model architecture - Attention is all you need. With NavamAI a simple command via your favorite terminal or shell is all you need to bend an large or small language model to your wishes.

NavamAI provides a rich UI right there within your command prompt. No browser tabs to open, no apps to install, no context switching... just pure, simple, fast workflow. Try it with a simple command like ask "create a table of planets" and see your Terminal come to life just like a chat UI with fast streaming responses, markdown formatted tables, and even code blocks with color highlights if your prompt requires code in response!

NavamAI has released 14 commands to help customize your personal AI workflow.

*Note that navamai, ask and refer are three top level commands available to you when you install NavamAI.

Command Example and Description
*ask ask "your prompt"
Prompt the LLM for a fast, crisp (default up to 300 words), single turn response

Browses the configured prompts folder, lists prompt templates for user to run.
audit navamai audit
Analyze your own usage of NavamAI over time with an insightful command line dashboard and markdown report.
config navamai config ask save true
Edit navamai.yml file config from command line
gather navamai gather "webpage url"
Cleanly scrape an article from a webpage, without the menus, sidebar, footer. Includes images. Saves as markdown formatted similar to the HTML source.

Refer the scraped markdown content using refer gather command.
Use vision on scraped images using navamai vision command.
*refer refer text-to-extract
Browse a set of raw text files and run custom prompts to extract new structured content.

refer inline-prompts-to-run
Run prompts embedded inline within text to expand, change, and convert existing documents.

refer intents
Expand a set of intents and prompts within an intents template

refer your-command
You can configure your own extensions to refer command by simply copying and changing any of the existing refer-existing model configs.
run navamai run
Browse Code folder for markdown files with code blocks, create, setup, and run the app in one single command!

The Code folder markdown files with code blocks are created using ask command running Create Vite prompt template or similar.
id navamai id
Identifies the current provider and model for ask command

navamai id section-name
Identifies the provider and model defined in specific section
init navamai init
Initialize navamai in any folder. Copies navamai.yml default config and quick start Intents and Embeds folders and files. Checks before overwriting. Use --force option to force overwrite files and folders.
intents navamai intents "Financial Analysis"
Interactively choose from a list of intents within a template to refer into content embeds
merge navamai merge "Source File"
Finds Source File updated with placeholder tags [merge here] or as custom defined in merge config, then merges the two files into Source File merged. Use along with refer inline-prompts-to-run command to reduce number of tokens processed when editing long text for context but updating only a section.
split navamai split "Large File"
Use this command to split a large file into chunks within a specified ratio of target model context. You can configure target model and ratio in split section of the configuration. Original file remains untouched and new files with same name and part # suffix are created.
test navamai test ask
Tests navamai command using all providers and models defined in navamai.yml config and provides a test summary.

navamai test vision
Test vision models.
trends navamai trends
Visualize latency and token length trends based on navamai test runs for ask and vision commands across models and providers. You can trend for a period of days using --days 7 command option.
validate navamai validate "Financial Analysis"
Validates prior generated embeds running another model and reports the percentage difference between validated and original content.
vision navamai vision -p path/to/image.png "Describe this image"
Runs vision models on images from local path (-p), url (-u), or camera (-c) and responds based on prompt.

There is no behavioral marketing or growth hacking a business can do within your command prompt. You guide your workflow the way you feel fit. Run the fastest model provider (Groq with Llama 3.1), or the most capable model right now (Sonnet 3.5 or GPT-4o), or the latest small model on your laptop (Mistral Nemo), or the model with the largest context (Gemini 1.5 Flash), you decide. Run with fast wifi or no-wifi (using local models), no constraints. Instantly search, research, Q&A to learn something or generate a set of artifacts to save for later. Switching to any of these workflows is a couple of changes in a config file or a few easy to remember commands on your terminal.

Quick Pitch

Please watch our super exciting one minute product pitch video! Made with ❤️ using NavamAI and iMovie.

Do More With Less

NavamAI is very simple to use out of the box as you learn its handful of powerful commands. As you get comfortable you can customize NavamAI commands simply by changing one configuration file and align NavamAI to suit your workflow. Everything in NavamAI has sensible defaults to get started quickly.

Make It Your Own

When you are ready, everything is configurable and extensible including commands, models, providers, prompts, model parameters, folders, and document types. Another magical thing happens when the interface to your generative AI is a humble command prompt. You will experience a sense of being in control. In control of your workflow, your privacy, your intents, and your artifacts. You are completely in control of your personal AI workflow with NavamAI.