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Prompt Templates

NavamAI released new set of features to make your terminal even more powerful. Once you install NavamAI you can simply run ask command and it will browse your configured folder containing predefined prompt templates. Once you select a template, if it contains variables, it will ask you for variable values. Then it runs the prompt with filled variables values and streams a well formatted response using your choice of model, right there within the same terminal.

Gather Insights

In the above example we created a prompt template with detailed instructions for analyzing a stock symbol and reporting insights and BUY/SELL/HOLD recommendation. The template can run on any valid stock symbol provided when the command is run. Response can be saved in a file by turning on save configuration within the navamai.yml file.

We have also added the capability to include {{PROMPT_VARIABLES}} within your prompt templates. You can also include {{TEXT_FILE}} special prompt variable. As NavamAI processes your prompt template it asks you for variable values and if it encounters and text file variable it lists files in the configured lookup folder for you to choose from. Then NavamAI injects the variable values or file content within your prompt before running it with the chosen model and provider. Simple!

You can also create prompt templates over time by looking up the trail.yml audit trail logs of all the prior NavamAI commands you have run recording the custom prompts you have used in the past. If you find you are using similar prompts over and over with variations, then these are candidates for prompt templates with variables, as an example.

Gather Insights

Similar to ask command available as a top level command, we have also enabled refer command as a top level command to save you a few more keystrokes.

Hope you enjoy this update. We would love to hear your feedback. suggestions for ways to improve NavamAI for your use cases are always welcome. Please leave us a comment or DM us on twitter. Thank you.