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Models and Environment Setup

This guide will help you get setup if you are getting started with NavamAI without any prior setup of generative AI models or Python environment.

Models Setup

You will need to setup model-provider keys. Edit your environment config ~/.zshrc like so.

export OPENAI_API_KEY= #
export GROQ_API_KEY= #
export GEMINI_API_KEY= #

If you do not want to use any of the model then all you need to do is remove the corresponding entries from navamai.yml in the model-mapping and the provider-model-mapping sections. Also ensure that the other model configs only refer to available models.

For local models install Ollama and download the latest models you want to run.

Now you are ready to test all models and providers.

navamai test ask
navamai test vision

Python Environment Setup (optional)

Skip this section if you have your Python environment already working.

First, you should be running the latest Python on your system with Python package manager upgraded to the latest.

python --version
# should return Python 3.12.x or higher as on Sep'24
  1. Optionally install latest Python on Mac.
  2. Safely install NavamAI. Follow this thread to setup pyenv version manager.

First change to the directory to your VS Code workspace, Obsidian vault, or folder where you want to install NavamAI. Next create the virtual environment.

python -m venv env

Now you can activate your virtual environment like so. You will notice that directory prefixed with (env) to indicate you are now running in the virtual environment.

. env/bin/activate

To leave the virtual environment using deactivate command. Re-enter using same command as earlier.

Now you are ready to install NavamAI.